Experience Level: Intermediate
Size: 2 inches (5.08 cm)
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76 L)
Temperament: Peaceful
Temperature: 23–27°C
Lifespan: 5 years
The Cardinal Tetra is commonly found in the upper tributaries of the Orinoco and Negro rivers. They come from warm, clear, slow-moving/still waters. These waters usually have an acidic pH with almost no mineral content. The fish have very dim lighting as any sunlight is filtered by the surrounding dense vegetation.
Cardinals Tetras usually move in shoals/schools of hundreds, swimming and feeding as one unit in shallow rivers and streams. Such group behavior serves as a defense mechanism against larger predators, as they’re less likely to be picked off when traveling together.
Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Axelrodi
Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.