Experience Level: Beginner
Size: 4.5 inches (11.43 cm)
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gal (114 L)
Temperament: Peaceful
Temperature: 21.1 to 26.1° C
Lifespan: 5 years
The Boesmani Rainbowfish is a relatively new addition to the hobby but has quickly gained in popularity. It is an active and good sized rainbow fish. Looking at a mature male makes it easy to see why they are called Bicolor Rainbow fish. It is a beautiful blue-gray on the front half of the body and a vibrant orange-red on the back half.
Its coloration in a pet store is usually a dull steel gray and hardly seems worth purchasing. But a serious and patient aquarist can bring out unforgettable colors. The secret to good colors is to buy quality specimens, feed a varied diet, and above all keep up with frequent water changes and maintenance.
Scientific Name: Melanotaenia Boesemani
Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.