Apple Snail (Midsized)
Apple Snail (Midsized)
CARE Experience Level: Easy Size: 1 - 2 inches (2.5 - 5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 5 gal (19L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 21 – 27°C Lifespan: 2 - 3 years OVERVIEW Apple snails are exceptionally well adapted to tropical regions characterized by periods of drought alternating with periods of high rainfall. This adaptation is reflected in their life style; they are moderately amphibious.They have an operculum which enables the snail to seal the shell entrance to prevent drying out while they are buried in the mud during dry periods. One of the more typical adaptations of apple snails is branchial respiration. The snail has a system comparable to the gills of a fish (at the right side of the snail body) to breathe under water as well as a lung (at the left side of the body) to respire air. Scientific Name: Pomacea diffusa Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Malaysian Trumpet Snail
Sold out
Malaysian Trumpet Snail
CARE Experience Level: Easy Size: 1 inch (2.5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 5 gal (19L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 21 – 27°C Lifespan: 2 years OVERVIEW The Malaysian Trumpet Snail is native to Northern and Southern Africa,  but they have been accidentally introduced to tropical regions around  the world. They are very peaceful and poses no threat to any of its tank mates. This makes them great for a community aquarium, as long as they  aren’t living with any snail-eating creatures. Scientific Name: Melanoides tuberculata Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.