Boesemani Rainbowfish
Boesemani Rainbowfish
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 4.5 inches (11.43 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 30 gal (114 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 21.1 to 26.1° C Lifespan: 5 years OVERVIEW The Boesmani Rainbowfish is a relatively new addition to the hobby but has quickly gained in  popularity. It is an active and good sized rainbow fish. Looking at a mature male makes it easy to see why  they are called Bicolor Rainbow fish. It is a beautiful blue-gray on the  front half of the body and a vibrant orange-red on the back half. Its coloration in a pet store is usually a dull steel gray and hardly  seems worth purchasing. But a serious and patient aquarist can bring out unforgettable colors. The secret to good colors is to buy quality  specimens, feed a varied diet, and above all keep up with frequent water  changes and maintenance. Scientific Name: Melanotaenia Boesemani Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Cardinal Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Intermediate Size: 2 inches (5.08 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23–27°C Lifespan: 5 years OVERVIEW The Cardinal Tetra is commonly found in the upper tributaries of  the Orinoco and Negro rivers. They come from warm, clear, slow-moving/still waters. These waters usually have an acidic pH with almost no mineral content. The fish have very dim lighting as any sunlight is filtered by the surrounding dense  vegetation. Cardinals Tetras usually move in shoals/schools of hundreds, swimming  and feeding as one unit in shallow rivers and streams. Such group behavior serves as a defense mechanism against larger predators, as they’re less likely to be picked off when traveling together. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Axelrodi Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Congo Tetra
Congo Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Moderate Size: 3 inches (7.62cm) Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 22 – 28°C Lifespan: 3 - 5 years OVERVIEW The Congo Tetra is a colorful, freshwater fish found in the Congo River Basin in Central Africa. It is a popular fish among aquarists due to its bright colors and adaptability to aquarium conditions. The Congo tetra is one of the best types of tetra fish for aquarists, as Congo tetras have long been successfully bred in captivity and are easy to take care of. Scientific Name: Phenacogrammus interruptus Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Ember Tetra
Ember Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 1 in (2.54cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23 – 27°C Lifespan: 2 - 4 years OVERVIEW The Ember Tetra originates from the Araguaia River Basin in South  America. The Ember Tetra gets its name from its striking red-orange appearance.  Glowing like an ember, this fish's entire body is a solid, shining  bronze to pumpkin orange. When it comes to tankmates for the Ember Tetra, there are many community fishes that will cohabit with them well. Ember Tetras are naturally shy  fish and like to be in a school, but they can school with other small  fish, including other small tetras and rasboras. Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon amandae Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Ember Tetra
Ember Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 1 inches (2.5 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23 to 27° C Lifespan: 2 - 4 years OVERVIEW The Ember Tetra is native to the Araguaia River Basin in South America. In the fish hobby, the majority of Ember Tetras available have been bred  in captivity, which ensures that the wild populations remain  unaffected.  When it comes to selecting tankmates for Ember Tetras, there  are numerous community fish species that can coexist harmoniously with  them. Ember Tetras are naturally timid and prefer to be in a school, but  they can form schools with other small fish, including other small  tetras and Rasboras. Additionally, they thrive alongside peaceful  bottom-dwelling species such as plecos and corydoras. Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon amandae Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Emperor Palmeri Tetra
Emperor Palmeri Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Intermediate Size: 2inches (5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23 – 27°C Lifespan: 6 years OVERVIEW The Emperor Palmeri Tetra is native to the freshwater of Colombia in South America. They frequent areas that are slow-moving, such as small  tributaries and streams. It does best in groups of five or six with a single alpha  male, though it can thrive as a mated pair. It is also a peaceful species, and thus ideal for a relatively small community tank though it will be disturbed by more boisterous species. Scientific Name: Nematobrycon palmeri Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Glowlight Tetra
Glowlight Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 1.5 inches (4 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 24 to 28° C Lifespan: 5 years OVERVIEW The Glowlight Tetra is found in the Essequibo basin in Guyana where the river waters of South America are stained with tannins from plant matter decay which make them naturally soft and acidic. Although they are a schooling fish, they will generally not school together with other species. This is true even with species of similar size and shape. Slow-moving fish and fish with long fins are safe with Glowlight Tetras. Scientific Name: Hemigrammus erythrozonus Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
CARE Experience Level: Intermediate Size: 1.75 inches (4.5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23 – 28°C Lifespan: 6 years OVERVIEW The Harlequin Rasbora is a native of Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, and  southern Thailand. It inhabits streams and waters that are characterized  principally by their low mineral content and high concentrations of  dissolved humic acids, which is typical of water that flows through  swamped forests. The Harlequin Rasbora is one of the most popular rasboras. Often referred to  as red rasbora, the body is a reddish-copper color that is accented  by a striking black wedge covering the rear half of the body. The  distinguishing triangular patch begins near the dorsal fin and comes to a  point near the base of the caudal fin. Scientific Name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Neon Tetra
Neon Tetra
CARE Experience Level: Intermediate Size: 1.5 inches (4cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 20 – 26°C Lifespan: 5 - 10 years OVERVIEW The Neon Tetra originated from the clear water and blackwater streams and tributaries in the Orinoco and Amazon river basins in Brazil, Columbia, and Peru. These are regions of blackwaters beneath dense forest canopies  that allow very little light to get through.  Always keep neon tetras in schools of half. dozen or  more as they are a shoaling species that requires the presence of  others of their kind. Neon tetras do well in a community tank as long as  the other species are not large or aggressive. Small peaceful fish such  as rasboras, small tetras, dwarf gouramis  corydoras, and other small catfish are good choices as companions. Avoid  larger tetras, as they will eat neon tetras at the first opportunity. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon innesi Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Panda Garra
Panda Garra
CARE Experience Level: Moderate Size: 3.5 inches (8cm) Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 21 – 25°C Lifespan: 6 years OVERVIEW The Panda Garra is native to the Rakhine mountain range in Western Myanmar. The  fish have been found in rivers and streams located on the western  slopes. Panda Garras are not shy fish. They are very active fish and prefer spending most of the time in the open looking for food. They can also become tame and associate you with food very fast. They will eat out of your hand and eventually relax on your hand. Though they do not mind the company of their own kind, Panda Garras are not considered as schooling fish and can be kept alone in the tank. Scientific Name: Garra Flavatra Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Pygmy Corydora
Pygmy Corydora
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 1 inches (2.5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 22 to 26° C Lifespan: 3 years OVERVIEW The Pygmy Corydora is a tropical and freshwater fish that originates from the tropical inland waters in South America, and is found in the Madeira River basin in Brazil.  Pygmy Corydoras are very peaceful and won’t start any fights. If tank mates are peaceful too, there should not be any compatibility problems. The only exceptions to this are large species, as Pygmy Cory is small so could easily fit in a bigger fish’s mouth. The mouths of tank mates should be smaller than an inch. Scientific Name: Corydoras pygmaeus  Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Black Molly
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Black Molly
Blue Badis
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Blue Badis
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 2 - 3 inch (5 - 8 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 22°-26°C Lifespan: 4 - 6 years OVERVIEW In the wild, the Blue Badis inhabits lentic or slowly flowing waters. In natural biotope that has a low water level, lots of vegetation, and snags. They can be found in areas with dense vegetation, submerged roots, and fallen branches. They prefer habitats with plenty of hiding places, as they are naturally shy and seek cover to feel secure. Aquatic plants, floating vegetation, and submerged structures provide them with suitable hiding spots and areas to explore. This species is slow-moving and tends to be shy, making it susceptible to intimidation or food competition from larger or more aggressive fish. It's advisable to avoid pairing it with territorial bottom-dwelling fish, especially in smaller aquariums. Additionally, keeping it with other Badis species should be avoided to prevent hybridization. It's worth noting that this fish might prey on freshwater shrimp. Scientific Name: Badis badis Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Borneo Sucker
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Borneo Sucker
CARE Experience Level: Moderate Size: 1.5 - 2 inches (3 - 4 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 18 to 25° C Lifespan: 4 years OVERVIEW The Borneo Sucker is native to the Borneo region of Southeast Asia. They inhabit shallow, swift streams and rivers containing clear, cool, and oxygen-rich water characterized by an abundance of sandy substrates, rocks, gravels, and huge  boulders.  Borneo suckers  are generally peaceful and interactive. They are mostly seen clinging  tightly to large rocks in the tank— either relaxing or consuming algae  growing on them. Other times, they may be found lying around or climbing the tank glass. Scientific Name:  Gastromyzon punctulatus  Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided
Cherry Barb
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Cherry Barb
PURCHASE AGE: Juvenile CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 2 inches (5cm) Minimum Tank Size: 25 gal (95L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 23 – 26°C Lifespan: 4 - 6 years OVERVIEW The Cherry Barb is a fish native to Sri Lanka, where  waters are shallow, warm, and densely vegetated. They are also found in rivers throughout Mexico and Colombia. Cherry barbs are peaceful schooling fish that do well in community  aquariums. These fish exhibit captivating schooling behavior and spend most of their time at the middle and bottom levels of the tank. Scientific Name: Puntius titteya Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided
Chili Rasbora
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Chili Rasbora
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 0.5-0.75 inches (1.25-2 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 5 gal (19 L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 20°-28°C Lifespan: 5 to 8 years OVERVIEW The Chili Rasbora is native to the island of Borneo in Indonesia. These fish inhabit slow-moving black water creeks and rivers, where they feed primarily on insect larvae, particularly mosquito larvae. Chili rasboras travel together in large groups, depending on the “safety in numbers” strategy employed by many fish.  They spawn almost continuously, scattering their eggs into the tangles of aquatic plants that hug the riverbanks, leaving the fry to fend for themselves.  Scientific Name: Boraras Brigittae Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Clown Killifish
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Clown Killifish
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 1.2 - 1.4 inches (3 - 3.5 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 5 gal (19 L) Temperament: Peaceful Predator Temperature: 20°-26°C Lifespan: 3 - 5 years OVERVIEW The Clown Killifish is a very social fish that is also extremely curious. They’ll often swim close to the glass when you walk past the tank to see what’s happening. Their colorful pattern and upbeat demeanor will quickly make them a favorite in your tank. Killifish comes from the Dutch word for channel, which makes sense because they’re found in slow-moving streams and swamps in Africa. Clown Killifish aren’t too difficult to keep and care for, and their small size makes them an excellent choice for smaller tanks. They’re also predators, and they most likely won’t eat dry food. In most cases, these fish prefer live foods, such as invertebrates. Scientific Name: Epiplatys annulatus Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Common Angelfish
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Common Angelfish
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 3 - 4 inches (7.62 - 10.16cm) Minimum Tank Size: 20 gal (76L) Temperament: Semi-aggressive Temperature: 25 – 28°C Lifespan: 10 - 12 years OVERVIEW The Angelfish is native to tropical South America and are commonly found in slow-moving streams, floodplains, and swamps, in warm, acidic water with no salinity. Angelfishes are active, showy fish that swim in the mid-levels of the tank, weaving in and out of plants. With enough space to claim their own territories, angelfish are peaceful fish, but when housed with too many fish of their kind, angelfish fight  to defend their space or claim a mate.  Scientific Name: Pterophyllum Scalare Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Dwarf Gourami
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Dwarf Gourami
CARE Experience Level: Beginner Size: 4 inches (10.16cm) Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38L) Temperament: Peaceful Temperature: 22 – 28°C Lifespan: 5 years OVERVIEW The dwarf gourami is a peaceful and shy fish. They are considered  labyrinth fish, which means they breathe the air with a lung-like labyrinth organ and need to have access to the water's surface. Originating in India, the dwarf  gourami are native to thickly vegetated waters. They are often found  together with other gourami species. Scientific Name: Trichogaster Ialius Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.
Electric Blue Balloon Ram
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Electric Blue Balloon Ram
CARE  Experience Level: Moderate  Size: 2.5 inches (6.35cm)  Minimum Tank Size: 30 gal (114L)  Temperament: Peaceful  Temperature: 25 – 29°C  Lifespan: 3 - 4 years  OVERVIEW  The Electric Blue Ram is a tank-bred color strain of the German ram cichlid. Wild rams are native to South America and waters in these areas are soft, fast-moving, and filled with  thick vegetation. Wild German rams tend to favor waters rich with tannins to help keep them sheltered from the sun and predators.  The Electric Blue Rams are mostly peaceful, but they can become territorial or aggressive during spawning and if there are not enough hiding spaces in  their aquarium.  Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi  Note: Due to variations within species, the fish you receive may not be identical to the image provided.